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Development of Integrated Operating System for Transportation Card Unmanned sales/charging machines  

Kim, Hyoung-Hwan ((주)임팩트코리아)
Shin, Dong-Suk (동명대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Since introduced in 1997, the transportation card system in Korea has been developed up to the world-top-tier technical level and gradually implemented in many other countries. Especially, the public transportations are significantly considered in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emission and environment pollution. In addition, a nation-wide transportation card system will be feasibly completed until 2013. However, for overcoming user's inconvenience, the unmanned sales/charging machines of the cards should be urgently required. In this paper, a new integrated operating system for unmanned sales/charging machines of such cards is designed and implemented by analyzing problems of the existing machines. The proposed system is hierarchically composed of multiple modules; machine initialization, work finishing, sales, charging, A/S handling, and management modules. We established and operated this machine in Seoul and Gyeonggi region. This research demonstrates that spread of the user-friendly integrated operating system improve user's convenience especially with respect to interoperability among transportation means and their areas.
Transportation Card; Integrated Operating System; Unmanned sales/charge machine;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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