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Development of e-CRM System Using LBS of Cellular Phone and Call Back URL SMS  

Jeon, Jin-Ho (관동대학교 경영학과)
Seo, Phil-Kyo (명지대학교 경영정보학과)
Whenever and wherever, recognizing location of object such as human as well as things, ubiquitous Location-Based Service which provides useful service based on this are rising as an important service. In this paper, we implemented customized real time 1:1 e-CRM system that can communicate with user's mobile phone through using Location-Based Service of mobile phone. Among various scenarios that are applicable to designed system, development and test were conducted based on scenario that provides shopping information and discount information to customers through SMS as they approach to vicinity of large discount store and allow them to download discount coupons through Call Back. The suggested system will be applied to various service event and can be used as a customized real time marketing method according to user's personal activity area.
Location-based Service; Dynamic Advertising; Mobile; CRM;
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