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A study for measurement of radial artery oxygen saturation system using photoelectric plenthysmography  

Kim, Kyung-Ho (단국대학교 전자공학과)
In this study, the pulse of radial artery and oxygen saturation are detected using photoelectric plethysmograph method. Using our device designed reflection type, we can detect the reflected light by radial artery and by switching circuit, we can also separate to 625nm band signal and 940nm band signals. The separated signals are converted as a pulse data by the pulse signal processing circuit. In this study, the reflection type of oxygen saturation calculation method is applied instead of the transmission type because of the reflection type sensor is used to measure the radial artery. As a result, we can detect about 97% accuracy of the oxygen saturation compare with the conventional method. For the accurate signals, the wrist band with sensor was designed and fixed on the radial artery. As a result, this wrist band type sensor was applicable to prevent position errors from motion artifact and could increase the accuracy during the measuring.
radial artery; photoelectric plenthysmography; oxygen saturation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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