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Development of User Music Recognition System For Online Music Management Service  

Sung, Bo-Kyung (숭실대학교 미디어학과)
Ko, Il-Ju (숭실대학교 IT대학 글로벌미디어학부)
Recently, recognizing user resource for personalized service has been needed in digital content service fields. Especially, to analyze user taste, recommend music and service music related information need recognition of user music file in case of online music service. Music related information service is offered through recognizing user music based on tag information. Recognition error has grown by weak points like changing and removing of tag information. Techniques of content based user music recognition with music signal itself are researched for solving upper problems. In this paper, we propose user music recognition on the internet by extracted feature from music signal. Features are extracted after suitable preprocessing for structure of content based user music recognition. Recognizing on music server consist of feature form are progressed with extracted feature. Through this, user music can be recognized independently of tag data. 600 music was collected and converted to each 5 music qualities for proving of proposed recognition. Converted 3000 experiment music on this method is used for recognition experiment on music server including 300,000 music. Average of recognition ratio was 85%. Weak points of tag based music recognition were overcome through proposed content based music recognition. Recognition performance of proposed method show a possibility that can be adapt to online music service in practice.
Content Based Music Recognition; User Music; Online Music Service;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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