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Noise Removal using Fuzzy Mask Filter  

Lee, Sang-Jun (평택대학교 물류정보대학원)
Yoon, Seok-Hyun (청강문화산업대학 컴퓨터정보과)
Kim, Kwang-Baek (신라대학교 컴퓨터정보공학부)
Image processing techniques are fundamental in human vision-based image information processing. There have been widely studied areas such as image transformation, image enhancement, image restoration, and image compression. One of research subgoals in those areas is enhancing image information for the correct information retrieval. As a fundamental task for the image recognition and interpretation, image enhancement includes noise filtering techniques. Conventional filtering algorithms may have high noise removal rate but usually have difficulty in conserving boundary information. As a result, they often use additional image processing algorithms in compensation for the tradeoff of more CPU time and higher possibility of information loss. In this paper, we propose a Fuzzy Mask Filtering algorithm that has high noise removal rate but lesser problems in above-mentioned side-effects. Our algorithm firstly decides a threshold based on fuzzy logic with information from masks. Then it decides the output pixel value by that threshold. In a designed experiment that has random impulse noise and salt pepper noise, the proposed algorithm was more effective in noise removal without information loss.
Image processing; Image enhancement; Image filtering; Fuzzy Mask Filter;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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