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A Global XQuery Query Processing based on Local XQuery Query Generation  

Park, Jong-Hyun (큐슈대학교 정보기반연구센터)
Park, Won-Ik (충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Kim, Young-Kuk (충남대학교 전기정보통신공학부)
Kang, Ji-Hoon (충남대학교 전기정보통신공학부)
XML view is proposed to integrate between XML data and heterogeneous data over distributed environment and global XML view is used to search distributed heterogeneous data. At this time, standard query language for user is XQuery and the method for processing global XQuery queries over distributed environment is one of the new research topics. One of the basic and simple methods to process distributed SQL queries is that generates local queries for processing a global query and constructs the result of the global query from the results of the local queries. However, the syntax of XQuery differs from SQL because the XQuery contains some special expressions like FOR clauses for querying to semi-structured data, of course, FOR clauses are not used in SQL. Therefore, there are some problems to adopt the method for processing global SQL queries for generating local XQuery queries. This paper defines some problems when generates local XQuery queries for processing global XQuery queries and proposes a method for generating local XQuery queries considered these problems. Also we implement and evaluate a Global XQuery Processor which uses our method.
XQuery Decomposition; Global XQuery processing; Searching of distributed heterogeneous data;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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