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Lee, Jeong-Eun (Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Sejong University)
Publication Information
Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society / v.40, no.4, 2007 , pp. 83-89 More about this Journal
A new type of object called "Very Low Luminosity Objects (VeLLOs)" has been discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope. VeLLOs might be substellar objects forming by accretion. However, some VeLLOs are associated with strong outflows, indicating the previous existence of massive accretion. The thermal history, which significantly affects the chemistry, between substellar objects with a continuous low accretion rate and objects in a quiescent phase after massive accretion (outburst) must be greatly different. In this study, the chemical evolution has been calculated in an episodic accretion model to show that CO and $N_2H^+$ have a relation different from starless cores or Class 0/I objects. Furthermore, the $CO_2$ ice feature at $15.2{\mu}m$ will be a good tracer of the thermal process in VeLLOs.
ISM: astrochemistry; ISM: molecules; stars: formation;
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Times Cited By Web Of Science : 6  (Related Records In Web of Science)
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