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Feasibility Study of Employing a Catalytic Membrane Reactor for a Pressurized CO2 and Purified H2 Production in a Water Gas Shift Reaction  

Lim, Hankwon (Department of Chemical Systematic Engineering Catholic University of Daegu)
Publication Information
Clean Technology / v.20, no.4, 2014 , pp. 425-432 More about this Journal
The effect of two important parameters of a catalytic membrane reactor (CMR), hydrogen selectivity and hydrogen permeance, coupled with an Ar sweep flow and an operating pressure on the performance of a water gas shift reaction in a CMR has been extensively studied using a one-dimensional reactor model and reaction kinetics. As an alternative pre-combustion $CO_2$ capture method, the feasibility of capturing a pressurized and concentrated $CO_2$ in a retentate (a shell side of a CMR) and separating a purified $H_2$ in a permeate (a tube side of a CMR) simultaneously in a CMR was examined and a guideline for a hydrogen permeance, a hydrogen selectivity, an Ar sweep flow rate, and an operating pressure to achieve a simultaneous capture of a concentrate $CO_2$ in a retentate and production of a purified $H_2$ in a permeate is presented. For example, with an operating pressure of 8 atm and Ar sweep gas for rate of $6.7{\times}10^{-4}mols^{-1}$, a concentrated $CO_2$ in a retentate (~90%) and a purified $H_2$ in a permeate (~100%) was simultaneously obtained in a CMR fitted with a membrane with hydrogen permeance of $1{\times}10^{-8}molm^{-2}s^{-1}Pa^{-1}$ and a hydrogen selectivity of 10000.
Catalytic membrane reactor; Water gas shift reaction; Pre-combustion $CO_2$ capture; Hydrogen selectivity; Hydrogen permeance;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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