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Gap comparison between single crown and three-unit bridge zirconia substructures  

Anunmana, Chuchai (Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University)
Charoenchitt, Masnisa (Dental Division, Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital)
Asvanund, Chanavut (Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University)
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The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics / v.6, no.4, 2014 , pp. 253-258 More about this Journal
PURPOSE. To compare marginal and internal gaps of zirconia substructure of single crowns with those of three-unit fixed dental prostheses. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Standardized Co-Cr alloy simulated second premolar and second molar abutments were fabricated and subsequently duplicated into type-III dental stone for working casts. After that, all zirconia substructures were made using $Lava^{TM}$ system. Marginal and internal gaps were measured in 2 planes (mesial-distal plane and buccal-palatal plane) at 5 locations: marginal opening (MO), chamfer area (CA), axial wall (AW), cusp tip (CT) and mid-occlusal (OA) using Replica technique. RESULTS. There were significant differences between gaps at all locations. The $mean{\pm}SD$ of marginal gap in premolar was $43.6{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ and $46.5{\pm}0.5{\mu}m$ for single crown and 3-unit bridge substructure respectively. For molar substructure the $mean{\pm}SD$ of marginal gap was $48.5{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ and $52.6{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ for single crown and 3-unit bridge respectively. The largest gaps were found at the occlusal area, which was $150.5{\pm}0.5{\mu}m$ and $154.5{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ for single and 3-unit bridge premolar substructures respectively and $146.5{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ and $211.5{\pm}0.4{\mu}m$ for single and 3-unit bridge molar substructure respectively. CONCLUSION. Independent-samples t-test showed significant differences of gap in zirconia substructure between single crowns and three-unit bridge (P<.001). Therefore, the span length has the effect on the fit of zirconia substructure that is fabricated using CAD/CAM technique especially at the occlusal area.
CAD/CAM; Ceramics; Zirconia; Marginal fit; 3-unit bridge;
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