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The Effects of the Mathematics Study based RME Theory with Virtual Operation Tools on Spatial Sense and Mathematical Attitudes in Elementary School  

Son, Tae Kwon (대구옥산초등학교)
Ryu, Sung Rim (대구교육대학교 수학교육과)
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Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea / v.20, no.4, 2016 , pp. 737-760 More about this Journal
This study analyzed the 2009 revised curriculum 6th grade math geometric domain and developed virtual operation tool contents based RME theory. These materials were examine to find out how to effect on the spatial sense and mathematical attitudes by applying it to teach the 6th grade students. The results were as follows. First, it is more effective for improving spatial sense to study mathematics based RME theory with virtual operation tool contents than normal one. This means that mathematics study based RME theory with virtual operation contents overcomes the limitations of flat learning environment. And it is great educational and effective method for students to improve their spatial sense. Second, it is more effective for improving mathematical attitudes to study mathematics based RME theory with virtual operation tool contents than normal one. This means that Mathematics study based RME theory with virtual operation contents makes student more participate learning actively. It helps the students who have passive learning habits to have self-directed learning habits, ability to cooperation and communicate. The results of this study suggest that mathematics study based RME theory is very helpful for student to improve their spatial sense and have positive effect on self-concept in mathematics, attitudes toward mathematics and improving study habits in mathematical attitudes.
Virtual operation tool; Mathematics study based RME theory; spatial sense; Mathematical attitudes;
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  • Reference
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