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An Analysis on the Effect of Independent Study Project Learning on Self-Directed Learning Ability and Mathematical Self-Efficacy of the Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students  

Goo, Jong Seo (대구매곡초등학교)
Ryu, Sung Rim (대구교육대학교)
Publication Information
Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea / v.19, no.2, 2015 , pp. 205-230 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is, targeting 5th and 6th grades mathematically gifted elementary students, to analyze the effect of independent study project learning on self-directed learning ability and mathematical self-efficacy, and based on the results, examine the implications that independent study project learning has in special education for the gifted. In order to solve the study problems, 5th grade mathematically gifted elementary students(40) and 6th grade mathematically gifted elementary students(39) who had passed the selection criteria of D education institute for the gifted and had been receiving special education for the gifted were selected. The study results are as below. First, although self-directed learning ability had no significant difference at p<0.05, it statistically had some differences in averages between pre-test and post-test results. Second, although mathematical self-efficacy had no significant difference at p<0.05, it statistically had some differences in averages between pre-test and post-test results. Third, in the aspects of self-directed learning ability and mathematical self-efficacy, independent study project learning had a more positive effect on 5th grade mathematically gifted elementary students than 6th grade mathematically gifted elementary students. In addition, it had significant differences in 'the level of mathematical tasks', a sub-level of mathematical self-efficacy, and 'the openness of learning', 'the initiative of learning', and 'a sense of responsibility for learning', sub-levels of self-directed learning ability. These results imply that independent study project learning has a positive effect on self-directed learning ability and mathematical self-efficacy of mathematically gifted elementary students so that it could be meaningfully used as a teaching method for special education for the gifted at educational sites of independent study project learning.
mathematically gifted elementary students; independent study project learning; self-directed learning ability; mathematical self-efficacy;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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