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The Relationships among Integrative Creativity, Creativity in Scientific Humor, and Perceptions of Educational Benefits for Making Scientific Humor of Elementary Students  

Son, Minhee (Seoul Dongja Elementary School)
Kang, Hunsik (Seoul National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.38, no.2, 2019 , pp. 191-202 More about this Journal
This study investigated the relationships among 'integrative creativity', 'creativity in scientific humor', and 'perceptions of educational benefits for making scientific humor' of elementary students. To do this, five graders (n=42) at an elementary school and five graders (n=38) at a gifted science education institutes in Seoul were selected. Tests for 'integrative creativity', 'creativity in scientific humor', and 'perceptions of educational benefits for making scientific humor' were then administered. Analysis of the results revealed that the scores for some subcategories of 'creativity in scientific humor' were positively correlated with those for 'integrative creativity', especially for 'creative motivation (e.g., curiosity and playfulness)' and 'creative potency (e.g., knowledge, imagination, sensitivity, flexibility, and fluency)' more than 'creative attitude'. The subcategories of 'integrated creativity' that were significantly related to 'creativity in scientific humor' were somewhat different according to the subcategories of 'creativity in scientific humor'. The scores for all subcategories of 'perception of educational benefits for making scientific humor' were not significantly correlated with those for almost all subcategories of 'integrative creativity' and 'creativity in scientific humor'. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.
integrative creativity; creativity in scientific humor; perception of educational benefits;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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