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The Effects of Smart Media Based STEAM Program of 'Chicken Life Cycle' on Academic Achievement, Scientific Process Skills and Affective Domain of Elementary School Students  

Choi, Youngmi (Jeju National University)
Yang, Ji Hye (Jeju National University)
Hong, Seung-Ho (Jeju National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.35, no.2, 2016 , pp. 166-180 More about this Journal
This paper examines the effects on academic achievement, scientific process skills and affective domain for elementary students learning the 'Chicken life cycle' through traditional science class versus a smart media based STEAM approach. Students designed and built a hatching jar and created a smart media content for chickens using time-lapse technology. This STEAM program was developed to improve their scientific concepts of animals over nine periods of classes using integrated education methods. The experimental study took place in the third grade of public schools in a province, with the STEAM approach applied in 2 classes (44 students) and the traditional discipline approach implemented in 2 classes (46 students). The STEAM education significantly influenced the improvement of academic achievements, basic scientific process skills and affective domain. The results suggest that this STEAM approach for teaching scientific concepts of animal life cycles has the performance in terms of knowledge, skills and affect gain achievements in elementary school students' learning when compared to a traditional approach. Moreover, the smart media based STEAM program is helpful to lead students to engage in integrated problem-solving designs and learning science and technology.
STEAM; chicken life cycle; smart media; academic achievement; scientific process skills; affective domain;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 9  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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