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A Study on the Stress of Teachers for Elementary School Science Classes  

Choi, Ji Eun (Busan National University of Education)
Kim, Yong Gwon (Busan National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education / v.34, no.2, 2015 , pp. 210-223 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to analyze the stresses of teachers for elementary science class. To do these, the Science Teacher Stress Inventory has been developed the Science Teacher Stress Inventory, which consisted of 45 stress factors with subcategories such as student characteristics, teacher characteristics, expertise of science education, school environment, and administrative procedures. 120 teachers for elementary science class have participated in this questionnaire survey. The results of this study are as follow: First, stress from teacher characteristics is perceived as having more stress factors than five stress factors (student characteristics, teacher characteristics, expertise of science education, school environment, and administrative procedures). but all of the five stress factors was under normal. The detail question of stress such as 'Having to guide educational guidance and course in life education', 'Having to cope with the demand of new curricula', 'Pace of the school day is too fast', 'No time to attend training of the experiment (preliminary experiment)', 'Not enough time to complete lesson preparation and marking', 'Having to cope with non-teaching delegated duties', 'Fear of getting injured as a result of lab accidents' are perceived as having a lot of stresses. Second, there were not statistically significant differences in their personal variables such as gender, the course of high school. but there were statistically significant differences in their personal variables such as whether elementary subject exclusive science teacher, career in education experience, teaching grade. Third, coping ways of stresses are active support for better science teaching conditions, training of the experiment for expertise of science education, developing a workbook for science class.
science teacher stress inventory; teacher characteristics; expertise of science education; school environment personal variables; science teaching conditions;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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