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Pet Care and Internet Consumption  

Han, Hee-Jeong (국민대학교 교양학부)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the Internet consumption behavior concerning pet care through in-depth interviews with 11 people who take care of pets. In this study, along with owners of domestic companion animals, stray cat caregivers were included as pet consumers, which have not yet been included in this category in existing research. Internet consumption was found to differ between people with dogs and people with cats. In the case of dog owners, they bought a lot of bath products, clothes harnesses, and strollers that were not appropriate for cats. Although the pet-poor phenomenon is known to occur a lot among young consumers, who care for pets behavior at the cost of money spent on themselves, even stray cat caregivers, mostly middle-aged women, are wary of becoming pet-poor. It cannot be said that there are gender differences in online shopping of pet consumers. In general, women, who did mainly Internet shopping, and if they are not used to using the Internet, their husbands made purchases online instead.
Pet; Consumption; Online Purchase; Pet-poor; Stray Cats' Caregiver;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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