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Low-income Female Single-Parent Families' Experience of Economic Burden and Its Improvement by COVID-19  

Sung, Jung Hyeun (협성대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explore the economic hardship experiences of low-income single-parent families by COVID-19 to find ways to improve after COVID-19. To this end, 10 single parents with children under the secondary school age were recruited through snowball sampling method and in-depth interviews with economic activities, income, expenditure, and economic life. As a result of the study, participants suffered from unemployment and the disappearance of extra income activities in the early stages of COVID-19, additional expenses incurred by children's food and increased utility bills. In addition, it was recognized that COVID-19 has come to be more difficult and unequal to single-parent families of low-income women. It was found that the temporary living difficulties were resolved with disaster support funds, and it was helpful in the short term by spending according to priorities such as overdue monthly rent, food expenses, children's academy expenses, and purchasing home appliances. However, it was recognized that disaster support funds were inappropriate for customized disaster support and long-term and selective support was necessary. In the conclusion, to improve economic problems after COVID-19, it proposed measures to improve social welfare policies and practices
COVID-19; Single-parent families; Economic Burden Experience; Disaster Assistance Fund;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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