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The Structural Relationship among Parent-Child Differentiation, Marital Stability, and Psychological Well-Being: Focusing on Eco-Boomer Married Daughters  

Jeon, Sesong (경북대학교 아동학부)
Publication Information
This study examined the relationships between socio-demographic background variables, parent-child differentiation, marital stability, and psychological well-being in 382 eco-boomer married women (born in 1979-1992) whose mothers were born in 1955-1963. As a result, the higher the average monthly contact frequency with the mother, the greater the intimacy (connectivity) with the mother. The higher the number of years of marriage, the lower the marriage stability, the higher the education level, and the higher the average household income were related to the higher the self-acceptance. In addition, compared to women in single-income families, married women who receive help raising their children from their mothers did not form reliable relationships with others or show satisfaction compared to women who do not receive the assistance. Those who were well connected with their mother (or had high intimacy) had higher marriage stability, and those with higher marriage stability had higher psychological well-being. They also had better relationships with other people when married women had a higher level of parent-child differentiation.
Eco-Boomer Generation; Parent-Child Differentiation; Marital Stability; Psychological Well-Being;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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