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How Can the Gender Pay Gap be Overcome?: The Effect of Rational HR System based on Management Philosophy of CEO  

Shin, Soo-Young (영남대학교 경영학과)
Publication Information
It is important to realize employment equality to fulfill corporate social responsibility. The most suitable indicator for assessing its performance is the gender wage gap. Korea is considered the country with the most severe gender wage gap among OECD member countries, however, studies on the gender wage gap have been mainly attempted to explain in terms of the structure of the labor market, government policies, etc. This study focus on the characteristics of CEO and HR systems among the characteristics of organizations affecting the gender wage gap. The management philosophy sets the direction of organizational decision-making and activates the system. In addition, the HR system enables fair and objective organizational management for members through rules and procedures. However, even in organizations seeking rationalization, minority people may experience discrimination. Moreover, the rational HR system may act as a mechanism to justify discrimination, contrary to existing intentions. This study proposes that in order for the rational HR system to work positively, it must be based on the management philosophy. In other words, it is intended to derive a mechanism that can alleviate the gender wage gap from the integrated perspective of the characteristics of the CEO and the rational HR system. In particular, it aims to provide specific implications for how the organization should operate the HR system by examining the gender wage gap based on internal factors of companies that utilize manpower.
Gender Pay Gap; Rational HR System; Management Philosophy;
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