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The Analysis of Family Values and Depression of Korean Women Using LSTM :Based on the 2007-2018 Of Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families  

Oh, Young-Eun (전남대학교 인문학연구원)
Choo, Joo-Hee (전남대학교 인문학연구원)
Oh, Seung-Won (전남대학교 통계학과)
Publication Information
This study aimed to identify the change trajectories and clusters of Korean women's family values and depression levels, and the factors affecting depression, to use balanced panel data from the 1st to 7th rounds of the Korea Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families(KLSWF). The subjects of this study were 5,048 female panelists who participated in the KLSWF, and LSTM analysis was conducted using Python to divide the clusters of Korean women suffering from depression. In addition, descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA, multinomial logistic regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were analyzed using SPSS 23.0. Results, It was confirmed that women's depression increased with age, and family values had a significant impact on depression. It was found that the more open the marriage values of women in the married group, the higher the level of depression. The family values trajectory and depression level of the analyzed subjects were not a single pattern, but included four clusters. To prevent depression among Korean women and provide more concrete interventions, a humanities and sociological system that can identify depression groups should be prepared.
Depression; Mental Health; Family values; Korean woman; Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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