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Masculinity Reproduced in a Korean Cop Films - Mainly in the 2010s  

Won, Il-Hoon (홍익대학교 영상.애니메이션학부)
Publication Information
This study analyzed the characteristics of masculineness reproduced in Korean cop films and their deep meaning, mainly in the 2010s. This analysis work will be a work that embodies the masculine ideal type and true masculinity recognized in Korean society. Also, through this, we will be able to approach the ideals and operations of Korean society. As a result, Korean cop films are mysteriously obsessed with masculinity and masculinity behavior through the main character in the film, which shows off masculinity with mental and physical superiority. Korean cop films also show a desire for patriarchal normality through an ending that shows the moment of masculine recovery through the physical victory of a rough and strong man. And the Korean cop film includes the claim that the implementation of social justice requires the existence of masculineness, which is essential, and that the implementation of social justice must be sacrificed to some extent.
Masculinity; Cop Films; Masculine Ideal; Masculinity Recovery; Masculinity Crisis;
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  • Reference
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