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A Study on the Perceived Mediating Effect of the Customers in the Relationship between the Quality of Service of a Skin Care Shop and the Intent to Revisit  

Kim, Hyun-Kyoung (경복대학교 의료미용과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to provide the service marketing data for skincare shops through analyzing the impact of the quality of service of skincare shops on perceived values and revisit intents. For this study, 397 middle-aged women who visited and experienced the services of the skincare shops in Seoul and the Gyeonggi region were surveyed. The data from the said survey were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study were as follows; first, the formality, reliability, certainty, and empathy among the service factors of skincare shops had a significant impact on economic values, while trust, certainty, and empathy had an impact on emotional values. Second, the formality, reliability, and empathy had a significant impact on revisit intent for skincare shops. Third, among the perceived values on skincare shops, both economic and emotional values had a significant impact on the intent to revisit. Fourth, the perceived values were confirmed to have partial mediating effects in the relationship between the quality of service of skincare shops and revisit intent for each service quality type.
Skincare Shop; Middle-aged Women; Service Quality; Perceived Values; Revisit Intent;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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