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Factors associated with the Prevalence of Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Single-Person Households  

Kim, Jae Hyun (단국대학교 보건행정학과/ 단국대학교 디지털라이프융합연구소)
Publication Information
This study utilized the data from 2017, 2019 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey to analyze the factors influencing depression and suicidal ideation among single-person households. For the analysis, demographic and economic variables as well as health status/behavior variables were considered. Activity restriction (OR: 4.753, p-value: <.0001) and smoking status (OR: 2.013, p-value: 0.044) were significantly associated with depression, and in terms of suicidal ideation, household income (OR: 3.526, p-value: 0.043), subjective health status (OR: 2.945, p-value: 0.007), activity restriction (OR: 2.263, p-value: 0.003) and smoking status (OR: 2.000, p-value: 0.023) showed significant association. In this regard, single-person households are likely to experience psychological angst, and further experience mental problems due to socio-economic and physical crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a social network system in the community to detect those in need and provide appropriate interventions to prevent harmful outcomes.
Single-Person Household; Depression; Suicidal Ideation; Factors;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
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