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Proposal of Collaborative Sharing Services and Applications for the Treatment of Children with Developmental Disabilities  

Han, Ji-won (이화여자대학교 디자인대학원 UX 디자인학과)
Kang, Jeannie (이화여자대학교 조형예술대학 디자인학부)
Publication Information
Recently, due to the temporary closure and isolation of facilities for developmental disabilities due to the prolonged COVID-19, the pain suffered by consumers is getting worse, and there is no clear solution due to the lack of information on inpatient services. Therefore, there is a need for a service system that can prevent institutional and psychological problems for consumers. The purpose of this study is to provide systematic inpatient treatment guides, post-discharge management, and correct education for children with developmental disabilities and their guardians. After deriving the needs and improvement factors of consumers through domestic service case analysis, we conducted co-creation with end-users using the double diamond methodology. A possible service concept was derived. Accordingly, a collaborative sharing app service was proposed, and the usefulness of the service was confirmed through the usability evaluation and verification of various stakeholders. It is expected that the results of this study will be utilized in the development of an assistance system for the developmental disability ward based on user experience.
User Experience Design; User Interface Design; Developmental Disability; Inpatient Treatment; Collaboration Sharing; Double Diamond Process; Service Design; Co-creation;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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