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A Study on the Analysis Methodology of Works of Deconstructive Graphic Deign - Focusing on Aesthetics of Reception by Wolfgang Iser -  

Kim, Jiwon (서원대학교 디자인학과)
Publication Information
The visual expression of deconstructive graphic design influenced by postmodernism differs from the traditional ways of graphic expression that consist of precise images and text and is challenging and highly experimental. The characteristics of the formative nature of such deconstructive graphic design emphasized the importance of the reader as the principal agent of aesthetic experience in the appreciation of works. For this study, a new ideological framework was developed regarding the ambiguity arising due to visual experimentation in deconstructive graphic design, assuming the central theory to be the Reception Theory (Aesthetics of Reception) centering around the recipient who is the reader. The characteristics of Iser's Reception Theory are substituted as a theoretical category and an interpretation of the works of ambiguity in deconstructive graphic design is carried out. Although Aesthetics of Reception is a literary theory about the interaction between the artist and the reader, as a method for interpreting deconstructive graphic design influenced by postmodernism, it laid a theoretical foundation and enriched the interpretation of works. Moreover, the four characteristics of Iser's Reception Theory were used to create a framework that suggested a new direction for the approach based on the reader's interaction in the process of interpreting works of modern graphic design.
Deconstructive Graphic Design; Aesthetics of Reception; Analysis of Works;
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  • Reference
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