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The effect of Self-sufficiency Project on Participants' Self-reliance and Satisfaction -Focusing on Self-sufficiency Participants in Ulsan Metropolitan City-  

Park, Ju Young (울산광역자활센터)
Publication Information
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact on self-reliance and satisfaction of participants participating in the self-sufficiency business program of the Ulsan Metropolitan Regional Self-Sufficiency Center. A self-filled questionnaire was surveyed on self-sufficiency participants in five Borough and Country in Ulsan for 4 weeks from September 1 to 30, 2020, and final 233 copies were used in the actual analysis. As a result of the study, first, the percentage of positive responses of the participants was found to be good at 71.7%, for questions on the degree of support to the government, local governments, and administrative welfare centers. Second, in response to a system or service that would like to be supported or needed in the future, support for living expenses and support for health and medical expenses appeared and as a result of gender difference analysis, it was confirmed that there was a significant difference between support for children's education expenses and support for housing funds. Among the factors of the participant's psychological self-reliance(self-control, confidence, and willingness to work), the factor of self-control was the most significant factor, followed by confidence and willingness to work. Overall satisfaction with work was the highest among 9 satisfaction items such as salary and working hours.
Self-sufficiency; Self-reliance; Confidence; Self-control; Satisfaction with Participation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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