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A Study on the Current Situation of Musical Performance in the COVID-19 Era and Its Direction  

Bae, Hye-Ryung (청운대학교 뮤지컬학과)
Shin, Jong-Chul (청운대학교 뮤지컬학과)
Publication Information
The objective of this study is to understand the current status of damage to Korean musical caused by the COVID-19, and also to seek for the coping measures and development direction in the post-Corona era. Thus, to understand the current status of damage, this study mainly researched the contents of NAVER TV musical performance transmitted for three years from March 2018 to February 2021 for analyzing the online performance and performance statistical data of Performing Arts Box Office Information System. As a result, this study could find a hypothesis and grounds to simultaneously verify and draw the positive and negative sides, pessimistic implications, and optimistic possibility. First, the performing arts would be multilaterally expanded after being divided into offline performance and online performance. Second, the utilization of online performance could narrow the gap(polarization) between capital area and non-capital area. Third, it is urgently needed to develop a win-win model for the establishment of a new musical market. Fourth, the performers' copyrights should be fairly protected. Fifth, the visualization requires the Korean-style support foundation and talent equipped with convergent thinking and knowledge. In such temporal changes from offline performance to online performance, there should be more sophisticated qualitative and quantitative growth in musical market.
COVID-19; Musical; Performing Arts;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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