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Exploring Operational Directions to Solve the Problem of High School Credit System  

Yoon, Ok-Han (국민대학교 교육학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study was to help solve the problems of the high school credit system by exploring its operation plans for both career guidance and the effective and efficient operation of the high school credit system. The study's research method was literature research; it examined prior research, public hearings, press releases, the 2015 revised curriculum, and plans to promote the high school credit system by the Ministry of Education. To solve the problems facing the high school credit system, the curriculum should be organized as follows. First, it should be organized around general subjects. Second, students need to be able to study subjects related to their desired fields in depth. Third, it is necessary to confirm the basis for organizing the curriculum. Meanwhile, the following steps should be taken to improve the operation of the high school credit system for career guidance. First, a career curriculum committee for career learning and coaching should be formed and operationalized. Second, the teachers' work system should be restructured. Third, career aspirations should be identified, and directions for further study should be researched. Fourth, career and academic design guidance coaching books should be provided. Fifth, it is the role of the career and academic design guidance teacher. Sixth, emphasis should be placed on responsibility for subject selection and preparation for re-taking program.
High School Credit System; Career Guidance; 2015 Revised Curriculum; Curriculum Organization; Curriculum Operation;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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