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Exploring the Predictors of Academic Probation in College : Focusing on Variables of Student Engagement  

Seo, Eun Hee (가천대학교 교육대학원 교육학과)
Kim, Eun Young (서울여자대학교 교육대학원)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explore the predictors of academic probation in college. Especially, this study focused on student engagement variables among the predictors of academic probation in college. Student engagement variables include hours of absence from class and numbers of log to LMS(Learning Management System) and in extracurricular program system during four weeks after the opening of a course and the numbers of faculty counseling. GPA(grade Point Average) is a dependent variable and GPA of prior semester is a control variable in this study. 17,261 student data were collected for the study. Linear regression model and logistic regression model analyses were conducted in the study. The finding showed that the hours of absence from class and numbers of log in extracurricular program system during four weeks after the opening of a course predicted academic achievement of college students. The result also indicated that hours of absence from class and numbers of log-ins to LMS(Learning Management System) and in extracurricular program system during four weeks after the opening of a course were the predictors of academic probation in college. This study will contribute to investigate indicators of students with low academic performance and to provide proper support for underachievers.
Academic Probation; College Student; Academic Achievement; Student Engagement;
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