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Risk Issue Analysis of Disaster Vulnerable Groups -Focusing on Cases of Children and Pregnant Women  

Kim, Shin Hye (충북대학교 위기관리학협동과정)
Kwon, Seol A (충북대학교 국가위기관리연구소)
Publication Information
In the modern society, the number of people in disaster vulnerable groups is rapidly increasing such as the elderly, the disabled, foreigners, and children. The common characteristics of the groups vulnerable to disasters are that they live in residence types that are exposed to disasters because they are impoverished and if they are exposed to disasters, recovery is a slow process. The purpose of this study is to identify the new risk issues by performing risk issue analysis on the targets of disaster vulnerable group and provide base data for the development of the policies. For the research method, this study centered on the cases of children and pregnant women out of the disaster vulnerable groups and focused on the issue data of social media throughout the past 10 years ('10~'19) and performed social network analysis. As a result, first, the development of the issue showed relevance in the occurrence of specific cases. Second, the awareness about the types, targets, and management method of crisis management was analyzed. Third, an analysis was performed on the sentiment words that considered the solution measures of risk issues or the characteristics of the targets and it was analyzed that there were word that triggered negative emotions. Therefore, it is anticipated for the base data to be used for the government and also for the local government to build an effective crisis management system of the rapidly changing disaster environment on the basis of the sentiment analysis performed on the people of the nation as well as public awareness.
Disaster Vulnerable Groups; Disaster Vulnerable People; Children; Pregnant Women; Crisis Management;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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