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Research on the Importance and Satisfaction of Restaurants using IPA : Focusing on 5-Star Hotels in Seoul Area  

Kim, Yeon-Sun (원광보건대학교 글로벌호텔관광과)
Publication Information
This study is to strengthen the competitiveness of 5-star hotel restaurants in Seoul, and the paired sample t-test was used. As a result of the study, first, the importance variables of hotel restaurants were measured as high variables such as'taste and quality of food(4.30)' and'diversity of menus(4.17)'. Second, the variables satisfied by customers visiting hotel restaurants were 'quantity of food(3.86)', 'taste and quality of food(3.78)', and 'diversity of menus(3.75)', etc. were surveyed. Third, as a result of IPA analysis, the variables in the first quadrant were the restaurant staff's expertise, cleanliness of the restaurant, the taste and quality of the food, the variety of menus, rapid service, food plating, the amount of food served, and the atmosphere of the restaurant. External environment, etc. were derived. In the second quadrant, cleanliness of restaurant tableware, freshness of food, and restaurant view were investigated. In the third quadrant, the reputation, restaurant toilet cleanliness, table cleanliness, parking facilities, transportation and convenience, etc. belong to this. Finally, variables belonging to the fourth quadrant were investigated such as reasonable price, cost-effectiveness and affordability, friendliness of restaurant staff, clothing and appearance of restaurant staff, and restaurant interior.
Importance-Performance Analysis; Hotel Restaurants; 5 Star Hotel; Paired Sample t-test;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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