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Theistic Evolution: between Creationism and Evolutionism  

Je, Haejong (삼육대학교 신학과)
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Interest in the origin of the universe and man has historically been one of the central themes of human inquiry. The question of origin is not just a matter of intellectual curiosity, but a matter of human identity and an important matter of human destiny. The traditional model presented in relation to the origin of man is largely the Christian creationism that all things originated from the Creator, the evolutionary theory that everything happened by chance and evolved from lower to higher animals, and the agnosticism that we cannot know anything about the origin. This study deals with the theory of theistic evolution, a combination of creationism and evolutionism. It is argued that the theory of the evolutionary origin was not an immediate creation, although all things originated from God, but through creation through a long evolutionary process. The theory of theistic evolution was proposed by combining two conflicting theories of origin in a Christian way, which has several essential problems, but this study pointed out two. First, the God of the Bible is reduced to the image of being confined to the laws of nature, not the Almighty Creator. Second, by interpreting the events of the Bible symbolically, it results in rejection of historicity. Therefore, it is more rational to choose either evolutionism or creationism rather than the theory of theistic evolution.
Theistic Evolution; Creationism; Evolutionism; Bible; Science;
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