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An Exploratory Analysis of Korean News Topics of Chinese Students in Pandemic  

Choi, Sook (오피니언라이브)
JIN, XIANMEI (서강대학교 신문방송학과)
Publication Information
The purpose was to examine what kind of discourse about foreigners in the media in a situation where hatred toward foreigners prevailed in a pandemic situation. News data related to Chinese international students(CIS) was collected for 2020, The 11 optimal topics were selected derived through LDA analysis. They were analyzed in an exploratory level, focusing on the relationship with major events per year. The news about CIS in 2020 was intensively linked to reports on the COVID19 situation. There was a tendency to report in response to the presupposes CIS as potential confirmed patients.
News Discourse; Chinese in Korea; Pandemic News; Topic Modeling;
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  • Reference
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