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A Study on the Tobacco Industry's Publicity Strategies: Based on the Analysis of Tobacco Company's Documents and the Media Coverage of Tobacco and Tobacco Companies  

Oh, Mi-Young (서울여자대학교 언론영상학부)
Publication Information
This study investigated that what strategies tobacco companies have taken for marketing tobacco and tobacco companies on news media, by reviewing the previous research analyzing the tobacco companies' documents and the news coverage of tobacco. The tobacco document studies showed that tobacco companies have created close relationships with news media, a quid pro quo, by providing advertising and diverse forms of sponsorships and obtaining favored treatment on news coverage and have built networks with journalists by supporting journalist organizations. They have also supported thinktank groups and pro-smoking groups so as to represent and advocate their perspectives and assertions on news media and have utilized sponsorship of art and culture as pseuo-event for publicizing tobacco and tobacco companies on news media. Futhermore, news coverage of tobacco showed that news media tended to deal with tobacco issues lukewarmly, without a clear position and perspective and deliver naturally tobacco industry's perspective and message that smoking is controvertial rather than totally undesirable and unacceptable. Also, the news coverages have often reflected tobacco industry's publicity strategies identified in tobacco industry documents. This study suggests how tobacco industry access and utilize news media to obtain favorable news coverage, and thus it provides a rational of why tobacco industry's publicity activities have to be regulated.
Tobacco Company; Publicity Strategies; News Coverage of Tobacco; Regulation of Tobacco Marketing;
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