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The Phenomenological Study on Multi-cultural Youth's Experience of the Discrimination in School  

Lee, Su-Min (경상대학교 인권사회발전연구소)
Yang, Nan-Mee (경상대학교 심리학과)
Lee, A Ra (경상대학교 심리학과)
Publication Information
The purposed of this study is to deeply understand the discrimination experiences of multicultural youth in school. For this, an interview with 12 multicultural youth was conducted and the data was analyzed using Giorgi's method of psychological phenomenology. As a result, 58 main meaning units, 22 emerging themes, and 9 essential themes were drawn. The essential themes consist of 'Experience of unwanted exposure of multicultural origin and negative emotions', 'Determination of his or her existence based on the multicultural family', 'Not affected by the fact that he or she is from multicultural family', 'A favorable response on multiple cultures and experience of favor', 'Discrimination on grounds of unmanageable fact', 'Becoming a figure of fun and being bullied', 'Unhelpful multicultural education and interests from one's surroundings', 'The impact of unstoppable and unresolved discrimination' and 'Self-awareness as a multicultural youth'. Based on these results, discussion and implications of the study were presented.
Multi-cultural; Youth; School; Discrimination; Phenomenological Study; Qualitative Study;
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  • Reference
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