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The Relationship Between Cooperative Learning Competency and Personality in University Students: The Mediating Effects of Creativity  

Kim, Sei-Kyung (경성대학교 교양학부)
Publication Information
This study intended to identify the relationship between cooperative learning competency and personality, and to evaluate how creativity mediate this relationship. Participants were 123 university students in Busan, the collected data was analyzed using Model 6 of SPSS PROCESS Macro. The results indicated as follows. First, cooperative learning competency, creative ability, creative disposition, and personality all showed a significant positive correlation. Second, it was found that cooperative learning competency had a significant effect on personality. Third, the mediating effect of creative ability wasn't found to be significant in the relationship between cooperative learning competency and personality. Fourth, the mediating effect of creative disposition was found to be significant in the relationship between cooperative learning competency and personality. Fifth, in the relationship between cooperative learning competency and personality, the sequential mediating effect of creative ability and creative disposition was confirmed.
Cooperative Learning Competency; Personality; Creativity; Creative Ability; Creative Disposition;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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