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Developing Textbook of Producing Easy-to-read Materials for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities  

Kim, Kyungyang (부산장신대학교 특수교육과)
Nam, Boram (이화여자대학교 대학원 특수교육과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to develop textbooks that can be used in education for developing easy-to-read materials for people with developmental disabilities. The textbook was developed through the steps of analysis of guidelines for making easy-to-read materials, confirmation of the course, development of textbook contents, and verification of validity. The final developed materials were developed as textbooks, including reader classification, vocabulary, symbols, layout, and production practice for the development of easy-to-read materials with a total of 7 sessions. The important characteristics of the textbook developed in this study are: First, it classified readers who read easy-to-read materials for the first time in Korea and introduced them as Plain Language readers and Easy to Read readers. Second, the guideline that can be referenced while developing easy-to-read materials was developed as a checklist, so that it can be checked by itself. Third, thematic activity sheets and workbooks were developed so that they can be used as activity-oriented textbooks.
Plain Language; Easy to Read; Easy to Read Materials; Text Book;
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  • Reference
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