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How "Covid-19" Affected Reporters' News Coverage?: Focusing on Reporters' Perception of Changes in Work Environment Before and After the Pandemic  

Yang, Young-Yu (단국대학교 커뮤니케이션학부)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the reporting practices and news production of the reporters working with Korean media over the past one year. To this end, this study has conducted in-depth interviews with reporters working with daily newspapers, news agencies, and broadcasting companies. The analysis of the interviews resulted in the following generalizations. The reporters are working at home, which was never experienced before the Covid-19 pandemic, and they have difficulties in covering their reporting beats because they have little or no access to contact points. The reporters rely heavily on indirect coverage and online briefings via phones or SNS because they have difficulties in meeting news sources in person. As a result, the diversity of news contents and the media's on-site monitoring functions has been severely weakened. In addition, the reporters have no chances to both exchange ideas with fellow reporters and to transfer the know-how of collecting news items to their juniors. This paper has also discussed the disruption of practices that the ongoing Covid-19 has brought to the media ecosystem from a variety of perspectives.
Covid-19; Pandemic; Reporter; News Content; Field Coverage;
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  • Reference
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