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Fieldworkers' Perceptions of the Policies and the Strategies for Promoting Elderly Volunteering Actions and the Exploring Alternatives in the Volunteering Work: Focused on Elderly-barrier and Practical Suggestions  

Lee, Hyen-Joo (한림성심대학교 사회복지과)
Song, Min-Kyoung (경기대학교 공공안전학부)
Publication Information
As a 'Senior Citizen' by applying an active theory based on a role model, elderly volunteers may seek to impart health to the local communities through volunteer activities. In addition, the strategies for promoting the elderly participation volunteering actions may apply with the lifelong education/learning model for citizenship development, which intends to expand the elder volunteer activity participants and the areas of volunteering actions. In this study, we attempted to find out how volunteering fieldworkers experience and perceive volunteer-promoting strategies for senior volunteers drawn from previous literatures and studies on promoting elderly volunteer actions. For the purpose of the study, we conducted in-depth interviews with 12 fieldworkers who worked senior-welfare centers and volunteer centers in Seoul and Kyeong-gi area. We used the directed-content analysis, which categorized 12 themes/categories commonly mentioned from previous literatures and studies. Within these categories, the analysis was made to derive issues and improve promoting strategies specified from the interviewees. The outcomes of the study included the insights regarding what promoting-strategies might be necessary to enrich existing senior volunteer actions. The study highlighted not only reviews volunteer fieldworkers' current experiences with senior volunteers but also barrier and practical suggestions for the continuous advances of senior volunteer programs and strategies.
Promoting Senior Volunteering; Directed-Content Analysis; Volunteering Fieldworkers;
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  • Reference
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