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A Study on the Care Needs and Well-being of the Elderly Using Elderly Care Service : Focus on the Social Value Orientation  

Kim, Ka-Won (한국사회복지협의회)
Choi, Sung-hun (서영대학교)
Publication Information
This study evaluates the social value orientation, well-being of the elderly and care needs of elderly that elderly care services are identified and seeks future service development directions through a desire survey. As of October 2019, 1,501 elderly living alone who used basic care services for the single elderly households for more than 3 months were sampled, and frequency analysis, technical statistical analysis, t-test, and variance analysis were conducted. The survey found that social value orientation averages 90.93, and the sense of well-being of the elderly is 71.29 points. As a result of the analysis of variance and post-hoc analysis, the well-being of the elderly was statistically significant in groups well aware of their social value orientation. In addition, key words such as "loneliness", "lonely Death", and "safety" were derived for concerns that may arise when the service is discontinued. Based on the results of this study, it could be used as basic data to explore the development direction of the new "elderly care services" and to establish a care system for senior citizens in preparation.
Elderly Care Services; Elderly Customized Care Services; Social Value Orientation; Care Needs;
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  • Reference
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