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Effect of Compensation System on Job Satisfaction for Care-Workers - Focused on the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy -  

Jang, Seon-Ah (동방문화대학원대학교 문화콘텐츠학과)
Ko, Jeong-hoon (동방문화대학원대학교 문화콘텐츠학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect on self-efficacy in the effect of the compensation system of caregivers on job satisfaction. The research method was analyzed with SPSS V22.0 on the data of 367 people surveyed of caregivers working at home welfare facilities and elderly care facilities in the metropolitan area. The result is as follows. First, it was found that the average monthly salary, satisfaction of compensation treatment, and fairness of compensation had a positive effect on job satisfaction in the compensation system of caregivers. Second, in the compensation system for care givers, it was found that monthly average salary, satisfaction with compensation treatment, and compensation process had a positive effect on self-efficacy. Third, it was found that the self-efficacy of caregivers had a positive effect on job satisfaction. Fourth, in the compensation system of caregivers, it was found that the monthly average salary, compensation treatment satisfaction, and compensation process had an effect on job satisfaction, whereas self-efficacy had a positive mediating effect. It revealed that the higher the average monthly salary, compensation treatment satisfaction, and compensation process in the caregiver's compensation system, the more positively the self-efficacy had, and this self-efficacy had a positive effect on the job satisfaction of the caregiver.
Caregiver; Compensation System; Self-efficacy; Job Satisfaction; Mediated Effect;
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  • Reference
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