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Intention to Work as a YouTube Creator: Focusing on Generation Z's Occupational Values  

Cho, Ju-Yeon (건국대학교 휴먼이미지학과)
Jang, Seong-Ho (건국대학교 휴먼이미지학과)
Publication Information
The present study aimed to identify predictors of Youtube creator's Willingness to work as a profession. This work is notable, given its prevalence in preference as an occupation due to the development of information and communication technology. In the present work, a survey study was utilized and respondents' perception of job values, interest, self-esteem as well as willingness to work were measured. The results from a multiple regression analysis indicate that, realistic type (-), artistic type (+), corporate type (+) job value and job interest were significantly predictive of willingness to work. This study discussed implications including the need to establish career support services for YouTube creators as a profession and further for differentiated approaches based on job values or individual tendencies. The result from the current work is important, in that this study identified the willingness and influential factors of YouTube creators from a professional perspective, reflecting the recent growing interest in YouTube creators.
YouTube Creator; Job Values; Holland; Job Selection; YouTube;
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  • Reference
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