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An Analysis of Determinants Affecting Satisfaction of Usage of Live Commerce from the Perspective of User, Information Source and Platform  

Lee, Sungjoon (청주대학교 미디어콘텐츠학부)
Publication Information
Live commerce as a new form of service that combines live streaming service with e-commerce is gaining a growing attention from many people with diffusion of a new trend of untact economy. In this context, this research examines what leads to user satisfaction of live commerce. In especial, this research conceptualized several determinants that might affect user satisfaction of live commerce from three dimensions of users, information sources and platforms. It also tested whether those factors had influences on user satisfaction of live commerce empirically. The sample in this study was responses of 218 people in their 20s and 30s who had experienced using live commerce. They were analyzed using a hierarchical regression analysis. The findings revealed that depression and innovativeness from the dimension of users, attractiveness of show host from that of information sources, and physical affordance and perceived interaction among users from that of platforms had significant influences on user satisfaction of live commerce.
Live Commerce; Satisfaction; Usage Motivation; Affordance; Attributes of Information Source; Regression;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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