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A Study on the Effects of Gender Differences between the Importance of Basic Psychological Needs and the Components of Love: Focusing on lovers  

Kim, Byung-Hoon (동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유학과 초월영성상담전공)
Cheong, Mee-Sook (동방문화대학원대학교 자연치유학과 초월영성상담전공)
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This study is a test of gender differences between the importance of basic psychological needs and the components of love. The need for research is to verify the relationship between need and love. The purpose of this study is to serve as basic data for preparing a solution to the relationship between lovers and promoting love. Research participants targed a total of 193couples unmarried love couples, 386 person living in Seoul and Gyeonggi metropolitan areas. For the research tools, the basic psychological needs importance scale and components of love scale had been used. Regarding the analysis of the data, as a statistical analysis using SPSS 22, the t-verification, the correlation analysis, and the regression analysis method had been carried out. As a result of the analysis, regarding the importance of the basic psychological needs, regarding the relationship, the females were meaningfully (t=-3.528, p<.01) higher than the males. And, among components of love, regarding the passion and the commitment, the males were meaningfully (t=3.588, p<.001) higher than the females. And, regarding the correlations between the main variables, it appeared that the basic psychological needs importance of the males has a correlation with the components of love. And, regarding the females, it appeared that, among the basic psychological needs importance, only the relationship and the capability have the relationships with the components of love. Regarding the influence of the basic psychological needs importance on the component of love, it appeared that the relationship need importance of the males has a positive (+) influence on the component of love. And, regarding the autonomy need of the males, it appeared that, among the component of love, it has a negative (-) influence on the passion and the commitment. Regarding the females, it appeared that, differently from the males, only the need for a relationship has a positive (+) influence on the components of love. It was found that women's relationship needs had a positive effect on the components of love, but women's desire for autonomy did not affect the components of love, unlike men. Therefore, the importance of the basic psychological needs of love couples influenced the love relationship, and the relationship between the variables showed gender differences. If love couple understands and meets the importance of each other different basic psychological needs when a conflict arises, it will be a helpful resource for resolving conflict and promoting love.
Components of Love; The Basic Psychological Needs Importance; Gender Differences; The Unmarried Lover Couples;
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