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A Study on the Analysis of China's Telemedicine Industry from the Perspective of the Industrial Innovation System and its Implications for Korea  

Kim, Mikyung (한국전통문화대학교)
Zhang, Yi (뉴차이나중국어학원)
Publication Information
Recently, the untact healthcare industry due to COVID-19 has been attracting attention, and the telemedicine industry based on medical information has become a field of the healthcare industry receiving attention. However, in Korea, due to obstacles in the legal system, telemedicine is still illegal between doctors and patients. In the case of neighboring China, the reality is the opposite of the recent rapid growth of the telemedicine industry under the leadership of the government. This study looks at this from the perspective of the industrial innovation system on the grounds that telemedicine is an industry and innovative technology needs to be changed to clarify the difference between domestic and Chinese telemedicine industries. As a result of analyzing China's telemedicine industry on the seven sub-divisions of demand conditions, innovators, networks et al., Such as seizing appropriate opportunities for demand driving effects and appropriate communication between economic actors were identified as major success factors. This researcher proposes the following suggestions. first, it conforms to the current digital New Deal policy flow, and conducts a demand survey on the change in demand for medical services in the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Untact Era. For the introduction, a plan to conduct a demand survey for the public and second, second, a plan to grow and intensively foster digital high-tech medical care as a new industry was suggested.
Telemedicine; Sectoral Innovative System; Healthcare; 4th Industrial Revolution;
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