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Usability Test to Improve the News Applications of the Major Broadcasting Companies :Focus on the MBC and SBS  

Oh, Ryeong (숙명여자대학교 미디어학과)
Lim, Soon-Bum (숙명여자대학교 IT공학과)
Publication Information
This study conducted usability test to users in 20s in order to find problems for improving news apps of the major broadcasting companies. Efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction were evaluated by mobile news content type. Also there is including analysis of the news topics (hard news, soft news) and broadcasters (MBC, SBS). As a result, same problems were found in common items according to mobile news content types. And in the news topic, there was a difference in the news values and news attributes that need to be improved. This study gives practical implications to the news producers to improve the contents of news apps.
Mobile News; News App; Usability Test; News Usesr;
Citations & Related Records
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  • Reference
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