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A Comparative Study on Sandplay Educational Analysis and Verval Educational Analysis of Counselors with a Focus on Their Development  

Koo, Sae-Kyoung (명지대학교 아동학과)
Han, Yu-Jin (명지대학교 아동학과)
Publication Information
This study wanted to see if there was a difference in the development of counselors before and after sandplay education analysis and verbal education analysis. Ten people were selected for the sandplay education analysis and the level of counselor development before and after receiving the verbal education analysis, divided into three groups that received the verbal education analysis, and the three groups that received the language education analysis. A nonparametric test, Kruskal-Wallis test, was conducted to identify differences in the results of the pre-parametric test, and a nonparametric test, Wilcoxon signed tank test was conducted to identify differences in the pre-post test results. Studies have shown that there is a statistically significant difference in the overall development of counselors and in case of case, in the whole of sandplay education analysis groups, while those that received verbal education analysis and those that did not receive education analysis do not have a statistically significant difference in the level of counselors development. This study is meaningful as it proves that sand play education analysis is effective in the development of counselors.
Sandplay Education Analysis; Verbal Education Analysis; Counselor's Development Level;
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  • Reference
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