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A study on Strategies of Entering the Overseas Market for the Profit Diversification of the Traditional Performing Arts Industry  

Bek, Jungil (고려대학교 문화콘텐츠학과)
No, Suyeon (고려대학교 글로벌학부)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to explore whether entering the overseas market can be an opportunity in overcoming the limitations of the single profit structure in which the traditional performing arts industry relies on public support. To this end, we applied the concept of industrial value-chain and business model and divided the overseas market entry process into four stages-preparation, promotion, harvest, and follow-up. Based on three case-studies that actively pursued overseas market development with market-oriented thinking in the field of traditional music, the relevant entry model of overseas market for the Korean traditional performing arts industry was suggested. Although the overseas market is not yet a major source of revenue, the traditional performing arts teams searching for profit diversification can consider the overseas entry model derived from this study. Also as found in case studies, the Korean government should establish an institutional system to foster planning and distribution experts in charge of overseas markets for the traditional performing arts, and develop a long-term information provision program away from the one-time expense support.
Traditional Performing Arts Industry; Profitability; Value Chain; Entrepreneurship; Entry Model of Overseas Market;
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  • Reference
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