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The Influence of the Marketing Success of the Musical in the Chinese Musical Industry  

Huang, Biao (경희대학교 포스트모던음악학과)
Han, Kyung-Hoon (경희대학교 포스트모던음악학과)
Publication Information
This paper analyzed the marketing success factors of the Chinese musical , which entered the world musical market for the first time in the history of Chinese musicals, and investigated the positive effects of the success of on the development of Chinese musicals. First, five important elements of musical marketing were determined as the analysis criteria and through this, we were able to derive that the marketing promotion was achieved by establishing a systematic strategy in the techniques of 'positioning', 'ticket promotion', 'PR strategy', 'producer', 'OSMU' as the success factors of the musical . The case of in Chinese musicals can be regarded as the first successful case by professional marketing. Due to the results of these achievements, the Chinese government and local musical support systems were established, and in recent years, Chinese musicals have been qualitative. It has been confirmed that Chinese musicals are growing rapidly in recent years in terms of quality and industry. It is expected that more academic studies related to Chinese musicals will be conducted through this study, and it is the purpose of this study to be used as a material that can contribute to the creation of Chinese musical with evenly high workability and productability in the future.
Chinese Musical; Musical Marketing; Butterfly; Ri Dun;
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  • Reference
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