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A Study on the Establishment of Cooperative Network to Promote for Regional New Deal Project of SMEs  

Kim, Eun-Ok (중소기업기술정보진흥원)
Hwang, Hwi-Ung (한국엔젤투자협회)
Cho, Han-jin (극동대학교)
Choi, Ho-sung (한국엔젤투자협회)
Publication Information
According to the rise of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the need for innovation networks through cooperation between participants is increasing to respond to rapidly changing technologies and corporate environments. Especially, cooperation is essential to solve and innovate problems faced SMEs lacking human and material resources. We conducted a study to revitalize the regional cooperation network by analyzing the current status and problems of the existing SME support network. As a result, We derived a strategy to create a foundation for a regional cooperation network through reorganization of existing cooperation networks, the establishment of customized policies for SMEs, and linkage of support projects. And we derived a strategy for establishing a specialized network for regional innovation as a result of research through Establishing a network for regional bases, strategies for fostering companies by growth stage, and utilizing local data. We expect that it will help establish a policy to support SMEs by preparing an organic cooperation system between local businesses and local networks.
Local Cooperation; Cooperative Network; SMEs and Startups; Regional Development; Support for SMEs and Startups Businesses;
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  • Reference
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