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The Effects of Teaching Reality and Learning Reality Perceived by College Students on Learning Satisfaction in Non-face-to-face Classes  

Bak, Kyeong-Won (호남신학대학교 사회복지상담학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to improve and develop the quality of non-face-to-face classes according to the types of presence by analyzing the effects of teaching presence and learning presence on the learning satisfaction of the non-face-to-face classes that have been suddenly conducted due to COVID-19. For this purpose, a survey on online classes of H University in Gwangju Metropolitan City was conducted to analyze learning satisfaction, teaching presence (learning design, direct promotion), and learning presence (cognitive presence, social presence). The results of the analysis showed that the learning contents of cognitive presence, which is a sub-factor of learning presence, were understood (=.589, p<.001), the direct promotion (=.420, p<.001), and the learning design (=.397, p<.01), which are the sub-factors of teaching presence, were influential in order.This means that the suddenly changed teaching method should have an attitude to improve the intimacy between the instructor and the fellow learners with positive emotional exchange or interaction. The instructor should try to overcome the limitations of time and space through blended learning that is both online and offline for high quality learning design, but the learning medium and learning method considering the physical fatigue of the learner should be developed.
Non-face-to-face Class; Teaching Presence; Learning Presence; Learning Satisfaction;
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  • Reference
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